It it recommended that to choice the web hosting wisely because it can save you from a lot of trouble. Some of the web hosting fee per month is quite cheap compare to other but better careful with it. Most of time those which sound too good to be will cause you a lot headache later. Example of headache, poor customer services, low uptime(mean that you website hosted cant log in most of the time), hidden fee charge and bla bla.. this what i learn from my university friend who previously try to setup a web in a cheap local web hosting server, ended up they have to switch server and pay more!
If you looking for web hosting server, you can go to the following link to have a look and read their rating and review Web Hosting Ranking . My advice is choice the best web hosting that your budget allowed in order to save you from future headache.
I just brought a domain and in the process of setting up my own website now. Why i want to setup my own website?the reason is simple, try to earn money from there and learn new thing throughout the process of setting up website. I just figure out alot of thing can learn from the process. I have to learn and know some basic of HTML coding eventhough that now a day there are quite a lot of program with allow you to set up a website without even know a single thing on HTML coding, they usually call it as "what you see is what you get program"( example, dreamweaver, microsoft front page, and other etc). I using dreamweaver to setup my own website but still have to learn some HTML coding for ease of editing.
The web hosting server that i choice is JustHost web hosting server. Why i choice this server? because their fee is quite cheap compare to other $ 4.95/month, i just need to pay $ 70 USD for hosting a life time free domain for 2 year! Wait a minute, i sure you will wandering if $ 4.98/month rate and hosted for 2 years, by rite the fee is 4.95 x 24 = $118.8 rite? why i only pay $ 70 which is almost 40% off??! be patiece i will tell you my secret later :PTheir site builder and control panel are verry friendly user, good for those begineer like me. Their customer server also very good, you can get 24hour/ 7 day customer support from them through phone call, or through their live chat customer services. I quite happy and satisfy with what i paid.
If you plan to set up a web by using this server, here is the reference link you can use JustHost . How i get the 40% off discount? it simple, you just need to click signup, then choice your domain then proceed, after that close the page. What? Close the page??? be patience, just follow what i said. Then a chat box will pop out which ask you to stay they will give you and offer. Stay and start chat with it ( why i call it not her/him? because it is a intelligent chating program) then it will provide you a 40% off link offer! that all how i get 40% offer for the fee. Hope you can benefit from what i shared. Cya and thanks for reading
The web hosting server that i choice is JustHost web hosting server. Why i choice this server? because their fee is quite cheap compare to other $ 4.95/month, i just need to pay $ 70 USD for hosting a life time free domain for 2 year! Wait a minute, i sure you will wandering if $ 4.98/month rate and hosted for 2 years, by rite the fee is 4.95 x 24 = $118.8 rite? why i only pay $ 70 which is almost 40% off??! be patiece i will tell you my secret later :PTheir site builder and control panel are verry friendly user, good for those begineer like me. Their customer server also very good, you can get 24hour/ 7 day customer support from them through phone call, or through their live chat customer services. I quite happy and satisfy with what i paid.
If you plan to set up a web by using this server, here is the reference link you can use JustHost . How i get the 40% off discount? it simple, you just need to click signup, then choice your domain then proceed, after that close the page. What? Close the page??? be patience, just follow what i said. Then a chat box will pop out which ask you to stay they will give you and offer. Stay and start chat with it ( why i call it not her/him? because it is a intelligent chating program) then it will provide you a 40% off link offer! that all how i get 40% offer for the fee. Hope you can benefit from what i shared. Cya and thanks for reading
I recommend to Hosting Raja is the best web hosting provider in India. If you want to register domain in India this is the company that you go to. They provide affordable and quality service.webhosting
You can take any blog comment from internet change it ,and use it for blog comment.Makesure the same content should not go more than 100 time and its length should be 2-3 line . Use keyword as and link
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